

  有鑑於此,本次「2021達穎智權專利論壇-國際專利新發展」線上演講會中,達穎專利師事務所特別邀請中國律師暨專利代理師聶寜樂、日本專利律師中島拓、美國專利律師Tracy Heims、歐洲專利律師Björn Sommer、新加坡專利律師Adam Bogsch以及印度專利律師Sujit Thakur,就各國專利現況以及後續如何取得、保護、維護及運用專利權所做的觀察與分析,分享各國的現在與未來的專利發展趨勢及相關建議。



  • 中國

    聶寧樂 10/15 14:00-16:00




  • 美國

    Tracy Heims 10/22 10:00-12:00

    Patent monetization : Turning patents into cash

      If any of these questions has ever come to your mind, this would be the webinar that you can’t miss!

    • To patent or not to patent?
    • What intellectual property can I use in the US to protect yourself; and how to know which to one to get?
    • How do I get my IP protected? What do I do?
    • So, I have decided to patent. Now what?
    • Can I actually make money with my patent? And if yes, how do I do that?
    • Someone is using my patent. How do I enforce my patents? What are my enforcement options?
    • It all seems confusing and expensive. Is it all worth it?

  • 日本

    中島 拓 11/12 14:00-16:00

    Recent revised IP related-laws,and trend of filing in Japan

    Hello, everyone. It’s nice to meet you!

    My name is Taku Nakajima. I am a patent attorney of Axis Patent International at Tokyo, Japan.

    It is quite an honor to have an opportunity to join this on-line event held by Darwin IP Company as a lecture.

    In this lecture, I would like to introduce you to recent revised IP related-laws, and trend of filing in Japan.
    Also, I would like to introduce some useful online tool for better understanding the IP laws in Japan and how to use free IP search tool, called J-plat-pat.

    I look forward to meeting you all in November.

  • 歐專

    Björn Sommer 11/19 15:00-17:00

    Patent filing strategy in EU

    38 European countries offer patent protection by both national filing and EP regional filing. Applicants again and again wonder which of these options should be selected.
    Proving a single recommendation that applies to all cases is not appropriate, since the specific needs of each single case should be considered.
    The webinar will explain differences between the national and regional routes in Europe, so as to give applicants a certain idea regarding the advantages and disadvantages of these options.
    Because Germany plays the most important rule regarding patents in Europe, the webinar will have a certain focus on Germany.

  • 印度

    Sujit Thakur 12/03 14:00-16:00

    The Here and Now of Patents in India

    India is taking vital steps in directions for creating a smooth business and investment environment including patent protection and enforcement.
    The Patent Law in India has been continuously evolving for improved patent protection and enforcement.
    Particularly, the Patent Rules have been amended in the past decade and the Indian Patent Office has been made robust for providing an efficient patent regime in India.
    In this regard, the presentation will focus on the strategies to be adopted for efficient patent protection in India and the way forward for creating and maintaining a valuable patent portfolio in India.

  • 新加坡

    Adam Bogsch 12/17 14:00-16:00

    A brief look at ASEAN IP and filing strategy in Singapore

    With 600 million people, the 10 South-east Asian (SEA) countries represent the third largest market in Asia.
    More and more businesses need protection of their intellectual property, especially patents, in that region which, however, does not have a regional protection system.
    ASPEC is the first regional patent work-sharing program among 9 of the 10 SEA countries.
    By ASPEC prosecution in these countries can be streamlined, and time and cost saved.
    Apart from some background information about the SEA countries, the webinar will explain the detailed mechanism of ASPEC with some examples, and also provide information specifically about the Singapore patent system.








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